Cortis is an Emerging MedTech company based out of Bangalore, India’s “Start-up capital & Healthcare Hub” also called the “Silicon Valley of India”. Cortis Medtech is primarily focused on providing the Best- in- Class, Medical devices for Wound Care and Surgical Solutions.
Cortis specializes in delivering products that are produced in USFDA, ISO 13485, and GMP/GLP accredited facilities. Products meant for EU markets are CE certified. Cortis team offers exceptional regulatory compliance support, Access to high technology-enabled custom development, and the most reliable supply chain with simple solutions.
Cortis prefers to be close to the marketplace / “Proche Du Terrain” and our partners. We Care and for Cortis, the most important goal is to meet our Partner's needs. We grow with our partners and accommodate their needs. Collaboration for synergy is critical for Cortis MedTech's business model.

Power To Create